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"A Step Towards Digital Accessibility"

The Prof. (Dr.) Shamnad Basheer Accessibility Lab was set up at NUJS, Kolkata in early 2020. The Lab contains equipment and software to aid the visually-impaired students in using digital devices and accessing digital material. The Lab is currently functional, and we have been using the equipment and software therein to convert non-readable PDFs and physical copies of books/documents etc. into a readable format, which can be accessed by the visually-impaired students using screen-readers.

As per our initial plan, we wish to use our resources for the benefit of students across the law circuit, and hence we are reaching out to you for support. Presently, we have a dedicated team for the Accessibility Lab which is involved primarily with converting materials. We wish to create a system which will allow any individual to reach out to us for the purpose of converting materials.

If any individual (with print disability) wants to convert inaccessible PDFs [books, class readings etc.], they can reach out to us at and send us the concerned material as an attachment or a drive link. Upon receiving the material, we will convert the same and send it to the concerned individual in a couple of days. Furthermore, they can also request specific parts of a physical book/document to be scanned in a readable format, and depending on availability of the same, we will do the needful.

Please note that the concerned material should be forwarded through either the head of the institution [Vice Chancellor/Dean etc.] or any member of the faculty/administration. We will also accept individual requests on a case-to-case basis, but the material should ideally be sent by following the above process. Furthermore, it is clarified that conversion of physical book/document is capped at 200 pages per week, which will be increased in the future commensurate with an increase in resources.

We believe that digital accessibility is a right for every student, and in our limited way, we wish to further the cause by enabling them to access digital material in a readable format. We hope that you will support us in our pursuit, by disseminating the information among your readers and subscribers, and ensuring that they can benefit to the maximum possible extent.

In case of any queries, reach out to

Vishal Choudhury [8473833191/] or

Abhishek Raj [7234970830/]



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